Specialized AI Models for Predicting Dengue Disease

Saldanha, Raphael et al

Inria, LNCC

Building and Selecting Specialized AI Models for Predicting Dengue Disease

  • SALDANHA, Raphael (Inria)
  • AKBARINIA, Reza (Inria)
  • PENA, Eduardo (UTFPR)
  • RIBEIRO, Victor (LNCC)
  • PORTO, Fabio (LNCC)


  • Raphael SALDANHA: Degrees on Geography, Statistics, Public Health and Health Information
  • Postdoc call from International Relations Department of Inria. Duration of 24 months (2023-2024)
  • Supervisors: Prof. Reza Akbarinia (Inria) and Prof. Fabio Porto (LNCC)


  • Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, and other arboviruses imposes a significant burden over populations health
  • Endemic vector borne disease (Aedes mosquitoes)
  • Impacts all geographic regions in Brazil, with its continental extension
  • Follow spatial and seasonal trends

Dengue spread

Guzman; Harris, 2015

Dengue transmission cycle


Dengue symptons


Aedes breeding sites

  • No need of clean water

  • Eggs sticks to container walls lige glue

  • They can survive drying out for up to 8 months


Probable dengue cases in Brazil

per epidemiological week of symptoms onset

MS. Boletim epidemiológico vol. 54 n. 1 (2023)

Dengue on the news

Dengue outbreaks over time

Azevedo et al, 2020

Dengue and weather covariates

LSE Blogs

Dengue over time

and different regions

Brito et al. 2021

Territory diversity

  • On rainy season, water accumulates on cans, pots and litter present at backyards, junkyards and on the streets.

Harvard-Brazil Collaborative Public Health Field Course Fortaleza, jan. 2016.

Fortaleza, jan. 2016.

Territory diversity

  • On dry season or droughts, water is stored on open drums.
  • The same predictor (ie. rain) may have different signal, in respect to other conditions.

Modeling dengue cases

  • Dengue cases as target variable
  • Predictors
    • Temperature, droughts, rainfall, floods, land use, deforestation
    • Living conditions, urban environment
    • Water supply, water rationing
    • Mosquito infestation? Only few and localized data available.

Modeling intuition

  • General models tend to ignore the diversity of the territory
    • Different or even contradictory predictors relationship with the outcome
    • Dengue transmission follows different rules, affected by climate and culture
  • Local models are basically restricted, not useful for different regions and dengue transmission regimes
  • A single machine-learning model is not a good option due the Brazilian diversity


  • Separate Brazilian municipalities into clusters
    • Maximizing their similarity regarding dengue transmissions and its covariate’s importance and signals
  • Train several ML models of different strategies for each cluster
  • Considering a query region \(r\), select models with the best accuracy from related clusters to \(r\), and ensemble the models into a single model, tailored for the specific region
  • Predict cases using the ensemble model and compare its results with a baseline model trained with all data

Global and subsets models

Consider each square as a municipality


Short version

flowchart LR
A[All data] --> G[Global Model]
A --> C(Clustering)
C --> K1[Model Cluster 1]
C --> K2[Model Cluster 1]
C --> Kn[Model Cluster n]
G --> P1[Predictions]
K1 --> P2[Predictions]
K2 --> P2
Kn --> P2
P1 --> AC[Accuracy comparison]
P2 --> AC

Key decisions

  • How to cluster municipalities?

    • Time series

    • Outcome (dengue cases)

    • Predictors

  • What are the best predictors for forecast?

    • Lags and rolling windows

Expected results

  • More precise predictions for regions, with data “closer” to the training data.
  • Parallelism in training models on different regions, less costs.
  • Reduce the impact of concep-drift models of the affected regions.
  • Provide health managers with tools, predictions and scenarios adequate to different scales of health surveillance, preparedness and field action
  • Contribute to public health policies formulation and implementation