flowchart LR A[All data] --> G[Global Model] A --> C(Clustering) C --> K1[Model Cluster 1] C --> K2[Model Cluster 1] C --> Kn[Model Cluster n] G --> P1[Predictions] K1 --> P2[Predictions] K2 --> P2 Kn --> P2 P1 --> AC[Accuracy comparison] P2 --> AC
[Short version]
Inria & LNCC
Fortaleza, jan. 2016.
Consider each square as a municipality
Abbreviated version
flowchart LR A[All data] --> G[Global Model] A --> C(Clustering) C --> K1[Model Cluster 1] C --> K2[Model Cluster 1] C --> Kn[Model Cluster n] G --> P1[Predictions] K1 --> P2[Predictions] K2 --> P2 Kn --> P2 P1 --> AC[Accuracy comparison] P2 --> AC
How to cluster municipalities based on time series data?
Outcome (dengue cases)
What are the best predictors for forecast?
What are the best ML algorithms to forecast dengue cases?