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This package contains function to access the Plugfield API and retrieve data from weather stations.




To retrieve data from weather stations you need to be logged in. You will need an username, password and the x-api-key, provided by Plugfield.

Manual login

You may pass your credentials manually to the login() function

    username = "your_username", 
    password = "your_password" , 
    x_api_key = "your_x_api_key"

Automatic login

Store the login credentials at the renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), using the keys plugfield_username, plugfield_password and plugfield_x_api_key.

Example of .Renviron file edit.

plugfield_username = "your_username"
plugfield_password = "your_password"
plugfield_x_api_key = "your_x_api_key"

Do not forget to restart your R session after saving the file.

Then, the login function will automatically load your credentials information.

If you forget to login, the data retrieval functions will try login automatically, using the renviron keys.

Devices and sensors

Use the device_list() function to retrieve a list of devices connected to your account. Then, with a device id, use the function device_info() to retrieve information of a specific device and the device_sensors function to get a table of sensors that are available in a specific device.

Retrieve data

You may use the functions data_daily() and data_hourly() to retrieve time-aggregated data, or the function data_sensor() to retrieve granular data from a specific sensor.

API usage limits

This package respects the API restriction of 5 requests per second.