Covid-19 monitoring.
MonitoraCovid-19 project is an institutional response from Fiocruz to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The project started in March 2020, when the first cases of Covid-19 occurred in Brazil. Since then, we monitored the pandemic daily, unifying more than 10 data sources into a unique data dashboard with several graphs and maps.
I am responsible to the ETL process and data dashboard. The project website was accessed more than 700,000 times by more than 300,000 users worldwide.
We published 25 technical notes and 12 brief texts about the pandemic, along with papers and a book chapter.
This work was supported by the Fiocruz Inova and received the ENAP prize.
The dashboard address:
Interview at Fantástico (Rede Globo, May 2020):
Talk at ICICT Centro de Estudos, with Atila Iamarino and Diego Xavier (August 19, 2022):
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