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Computes direct adjusted rates and confidence intervals.


  .keys = NULL,
  .name_var = "name",
  .value_var = "value",
  .age_group_var = "age_group",
  .age_group_pop_var = "population",
  .events_label = "events",
  .population_label = "population",
  .progress = TRUE



A tibble containing events counts and population per groups (e.g. age groups)


A vector with standard population values for each group


Optional. A character vector with grouping variables, like year and region code.


Variable containing variable names. Defaults to name.


Variable containing values. Defaults to value.


Variable name of age groups. Defaults to age_group.


Variable name of population size on .std. Defaults to population.


Label used for events at the name_var variable. Defaults to events.


Label used for population at the name_var variable. Defautls to population.


Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to TRUE.


A tibble with crude and adjusted rate, lower and upper confidence intervals.


This functions wraps the epitools function to compute direct adjusted rates and "exact" confidence intervals using tibble objects with multiple grouping keys.

A tibble (.data) must be informed containing key variables like year and region code, and population and and events count (e.g. cases) per age group. Check the fleiss_data for an example.

A tibble (.std) must be also supplied containing the age groups and population size. By default, this tibble has two variables, named age_group and pop.


standard_pop <- tibble::tibble(
   age_group = c("Under 20", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40 and over"),
   population = c(63986.6, 186263.6, 157302.2, 97647.0, 47572.6, 12262.6)
rate_adj_direct(fleiss_data, .std = standard_pop)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   crude.rate adj.rate     lci     uci
#>        <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1   0.000895  0.00437 0.00414 0.00546