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Mirror an entire Zenodo deposit or a specific file locally. The mirror is a folder with the deposit files created at the cache folder of the operating system.


  file_name = NULL,
  cache_dir = NULL,
  cache_type = NULL,
  clear_cache = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



numeric. The Zenodo deposit id.


character. If NULL, all files from the file list. If a file name is specified, only this file will be downloaded.


character. User specified cache directory for persistent cache type.


character. Use temporary to a session temporary folder, persistent for a persistent cache folder or NULL to use the environment default. Check the section Cache Type for more details.


logical. If the mirror already exists, clear its content.


logical. Show download info and progress bar.


a string with the mirror path.

Cache type

The Zenodo mirror will be cached locally on a system folder. This folder can be temporary, being cleared when the R session is ended, or persistent across sections and reboots.

If the cache_type argument is NULL (the default) the package will check first the environment variable zendown_cache_type. If set, the package will use its value. If not set, a temporary cache folder will be used as default.

You can set an environment variable with usethis::edit_r_environ() and write as bellow for a persistent cache storage.

zendown_cache_type = "persistent"

After saving the file, remember to restart the session. With this setting, the cache will be persistent and stored at the directory given by tools::R_user_dir("zendown", which = "cache")

You may also use a different folder for persistent storage by setting the zendown_cache_dir environment variable. For example:

zendown_cache_dir = C:\my_cache\

If you set the cache_type argument directly as temporary or persistent, it will override the environment setting.


mirror_path <- mirror_deposit(deposit_id = 10959197)
file.exists(file.path(mirror_path, "iris.rds"))
#> [1] TRUE
file.exists(file.path(mirror_path, "mtcars.rds"))
#> [1] TRUE