flowchart TD Y0[Dengue data] --> | Filter municipalities \n with 100k inhab| Y[Subset dengue data] X1[Weather data] X2[Other covariates] X1 --> A[Dataset] X2 --> A Y --> B[Clustering algorithm \n assign k partitions] B --> |Add cluster ID \n variable| A A --> A2[Time lag \n outcome and predictors] A2 --> |Drop date variable| D{Split} D --> E[Train dataset] D --> F[Test dataset] E --> G[Global model \n specification] G --> |Drop \ncluster ID| H[Tune hyperparameters] E --> I[Subsets k \nmodel specification] I --> |k models| H H --> J[Predict with \n global model training] F --> J H --> K[Predict with k \n subsets trainings] F --> K J --> L[Collect metrics for each municipality \n and compare models performance] K --> L